1. What facts should a couple think about before going to a fertility treatment center for consultation?

For couples younger than 36 years old with no known fertility issues, most experts recommend going into a reproductive center to see a specialist if conception hasn’t taken place after more than a year of monitored attempts. Couples over 35 should seek specialized help after six months. Those with known fertility issues should seek the help of specialists as soon as they are considering starting a family.
2. What Can Be Done To Increase The Chances of Becoming Pregnant?

Increasing the amount of intercourse during a cycle will increase your chances of pregnancy. Having intercourse the day you ovulate or immediately before you ovulate also increases pregnancy chances. 

3. How Do I Know When I Begin Ovulating?

If you have a regular cycle, your approximate ovulation is easy to calculate.  Simply count forward from the first day of your period for 15 days. Ovulation occurs 15 to 19 days into the cycle and your body also gives certain clues. The mucus changes and becomes the consistency of egg white. Some women may also feel a sharp pain in the abdomen when their egg is released.

4. Is it Possible to Increase Sperm Count?

Most fertility centers recommend wearing loose fitting underwear. Another suggestion is to take cool showers over hot baths to promote better sperm production. Stopping smoking and reducing alcohol consumption may also play a role in better sperm production.

5. When Can I Take a Pregnancy Test After IUI?

Taking a pregnancy too early can result in a false positive. The best time to take a pregnancy test is after 16 days from the last IUI. 

6. How Much Would Fertility Treatment Cost?

IVF treatments can cost between $10,000 to $20,000 which will vary depending on the fertility treatment center you choose and the treatment protocol.

7. What Is The Risk of Birth Defects in Babies Conceived Using Fertility Treatments?

Some studies do confirm a slight increase in the rate of birth defects such as cleft lips, bowel problems and malformed hearts as a result of fertility treatments. However, it is unknown whether these are caused by the treatment itself or if they are related to the  infertility issues themselves. 

8. Should Women Start Treatments With Their Regular OB-Gyn With Clomid?

Patients having difficulty conceiving consult a fertility treatment center before beginning any type of treatment. While most physicians will prescribe Clomid, which has a 12-cycle maximum recommended usage, fertility treatment centers will run extensive tests before beginning any treatment program, including testing of the male partner, which may eliminate the need to use Clomid altogether.

9.  What Is The Best Way To Choose A Fertility Treatment Center?

The International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination recommends seeking board approved doctors that have completed a Reproductive Endocrinology fellowship and using clinics with success rates within national averages. There are also support groups and forums that can help with reputable doctors and clinics.

10. How Long Should You Pursue Treatment Before Investigating Other Options?

That is a very personal choice. Depending on many factors such as age, finances, and stress as these all play a role. Ultimately, weighing the desire for a family through any means is weighed against the possibility of a family through biologic means.

Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine has long been known for its successes with fertility. Being there for their patients to help them have healthy babies is their goal.

9/22/2012 08:10:07 pm

Ovulation kits should be used by women who are trying to get pregnant, they are not meant to be a method for birth control and shouldn’t be used with this purpose.


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